Monday, July 26, 2010

Michele's Birthday

All gathered around for Michele's Birthday cake, Robert did such a nice job making that for me didn't he. Ok i think Wegmans did a better job.
You can't see her side of the cake but there is a lot of frosting missing.

Ohio Trip May 2010

While in Ohio we went to the Bass Pro Shop.

Grandma Brice being a little crazy.
Kenzie trying to get away from us, really i think she wanted to get through the gate at the top to feed the fish.

The big fish tank, we watched the lady feed them and it was incredible.

We had a little mishap with the trailer and a few things falling off so the next stop we made we took a few pictures to make sure we would know what was missing if it happened again and Grandma Brice couldn't resist getting in the picture.

Cedar Point May 2010

While in Ohio we went to Cedar Point. I will warn you there are no pictures of TJ, Robert or Dustin because they took off and went to do the big rides. I did a few of them with Robert and Grandma Brice watched the other kids. Nick who is not a big fan of the big rides walked around with Kenzie and helped her alot. We also saw a couple shows while we were there and they were great.

Nick and Kenzie waiting in line.

Nick is really enjoying himself isn't he?

Nick and Kenzie floating around on some ride.

Here they are again.

Great Wolf Lodge May 2010

Over Memorial day we went to Ohio and while we were there we stayed at Great Wolf Lodge. Grandma Brice enjoyed the trip with us.

Kenzie sitting in the wolf chair waiting for us to do something i am sure, i think we were just trying to gather everyone so that we could do the next activity. who knows, maybe she just wanted to sit there.

The whole family sitting in front of the fireplace, every family that goes there has to have a fireplace picture, its just tradition i am sure.

At night they had a DJ and a dance party so we were in the lobby dancing. Kenzie and Michele were there also but we were taking the picture, where is Robert, i have no idea!!

Washington DC trip with the 8th graders

Nick is the back left hand corner, this is the whole bus that i spent 3 days with.

Nick and his buddy Dan in front of the White House

Nick in front of the Eternal Flame at Kennedy's gravesite.

Nick in front of the Supreme Court if my memory serves me right

That is a sillouette of Nick at the Lincoln Memorial.

Oops i guess i forgot how to do this, that i have to post the pictures first and then put the description, oh well at least i got the info here for you to read about it.

I spent 3 full days on a bus, 1 bus of 6, with a total of about 280 kids. We left at 7am on Thurs and came back around 11pm on Sat. We went to many musuems, ESPN zone for dinner and medieval times. For the most part the kids behaved but we also had the kids that were just plain horrible. But i did not have any of those kids in my group. they are pretty flexible while you are at a place, giving the kids freedom and the ability to walk around at their own pace. i told my 8 girls that they could go out on their own at the places and if they didnt check back in when they were supposed to i would by walking with them the rest of the time, i think that scared them enough because they all did what i told them to do. here are some pictures

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Silly random pictures

Kenzie likes to wear Robert's hat
Kenzie wants to be like her big brothers and read the comics

Grandma brought some fun costumes for Kenzie to wear

What's been going on?

Many things have been going on since April, since i last updated the blog. i don't want to overwhelm but i am going to try to post a bunch of pictures to catch everyone up on our life. but here is a brief update.

Kenzie's foot heeled great, so that was a relief.

April and May, Nick played lacrosse for the school. He really enjoys the sport and cant really get enough of it.

May had Michele and Nick going to Washington DC for the 8th grade trip. 3 days, 6 buses, 280 kids. it was a blast. They saw all the monuments, the capital, a few museums, ESPN zone, the zoo, Medieval times, and a lot of walking!!!

May and June the whole family ran the concession stand for the junior baseball program.

May also had Grandma Brice coming to help while we did the concession stand and Michele had a few training classes. During memorial day weekend we went to visit Mike and Chris in Ohio, really to take some things to store in their garage and while we were there we stayed at Great Wolf Lodge and went to Cedar Point. They offered a great deal for military families so we took advantage of it.

June, Dustin started recreational soccer and is having a blast!!! He only has a couple of games left.

June also had Dustin finishing 5th grade so he will be moving up to the middle school. Nick finished 8th grade so he will be moving up to 9th grade and early morning seminary.

June we decided to have a pool put in our backyard. it has been a great thing for us to play together as a family and many friends come over to enjoy it with us.

July has brought summer camps and relaxing. So far TJ has been looking for a job and working out. Nick has been in a lacrosse tournament and spent the last week at the military base with Robert participating in a camp. He will attend boy scout camp this upcoming week. Dustin has been in summer recreation camp where he got to go to Seabreeze (a local small but fun amusement park), learned how to sailboard on canandaigua lake, and also gone to the military base for camp. The next 2 weeks he will be acting camp where they will be learning and then performing Beauty and the Beast jr. He is very excited about this and then his summer will wrap up with 1 more week of summer rec camp. Kenzie well she is haning out with her brother and going to the YMCA with Michele.

The rest of the summer could bring some exciting things, but you will have to tune in later to find out what we have done.

I will post some pictures in a little bit.