Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New School Year

Another school year will be starting on Wednesday. Hard to believe the time goes by like it does.
TJ is 15 and will be in 10th grade. He is taking some classes that i never even took, mostly AP classes, advanced math and science. And the best part is he really enjoys them. He is not a big fan of the reading and writing, he thinks it is boring. I am not sure what kind of extra activities he is planning to do this year but i will keep you informed. He is in chorus and plans to increase and keep up on his workouts. We bought a new harness for the dog which she seems to do much better on which helps when walking her and he wants to walk her everyday. I am proud of him for taking on this personal issue.
Nick is almost 13 and will be in 8th grade. He really does not like school at all. Or let me rephrase that, he does not like the school part of school but enjoys the socializing part of school. He does fine in school and strives to improve each day. I also am not sure what extra things he may be involved in but i am hoping to have him try the musical just for something new but we will see. I am sure he will play lacrosse in the spring since that is his passion.
Dustin is almost 10 and will be in 5th grade. This will be his last year in the elementary school before he moves on up. He has his ups and downs at school but for the most part enjoys going. He really likes anything hands on but when it comes to reading he fights me all the time about it. Maybe this will be a breakthrough year and he will enjoy the reading, i can only hope right? Anyway he wants a pass to our local ski mountain (ok really a hill for those who have been out west, but we take what we can here in upstate NY) so i told him we could get him one if he exercises on a daily basis so he has already started.
Kenzie will be 2 in just a few weeks. She will be spending her time with me at the YMCA. she enjoys going. she is really starting to become a little independent girl. she is completely taken off the bottle, though sometimes she asks and then laughs cause she knows she doesnt have one anymore. now we are working on the night time and sleeping but it may be a while. one little baby step at a time is what i say.
that is the update for now. sorry no pictures this time but i just wanted to let you know what the kids were up to as we start the new year!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Last Pics of OBX

Just some fun family pictures, it doesn't happen very often that we are all together so i snapped a few of them.

Riding on the ferry to the other island, Kenzie enjoyed the water fountain more than anything.
Kids just posing for a picture for me.

Robert, Michele, Laurie & John

Best Friends, Michele & Laurie

Just had to throw in another picture of us!!!

Sunset at the Ocean

With the clouds in the way i couldn't get a picture of the sun going into the water, so this is the closet i could get.
Emma & Kenzie walking, it was such a cute picture.

Gee, aren't we cute??

Kids playing around waiting for the sunset.

The whole family at sunset!!!

Kenzie was having a good afternoon so we tried to catch it on film, or i guess on digital, is that the right term?
playing in the towel

look i can actually sit on the ground and dig and it is fun. believe it or not when we got back to the house, she even let Robert put her in the outdoor shower and clean her off without screaming, she is growing up so fast.

for those who don't know, since i will admit i didn't. this is the shell of a horseshoe crab. it is very interesting, some creature basically eats all the meats and guts and such and just leaves the shell on the sand to dry up. this one was very intact. who knew the beach could be so educational!!

More OBX

this was our "home base" while at the beach, Kenzie was finally walking all over by the time we got done.
waves were so fun and relaxing, there are black spots out there and those are the heads of the boys.

Nick loved playing in the sand, Kenzie and Emma were also playing but they must have gone to get water.

See Kenzie finally realized it was ok to walk around in the sand.

Nick & Kenzie having some quality time together at the house.