Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kenzie playing

I am going to attack with my wrapping paper
i am so innocent when i have this cute face on

My first experience with a slurpie. TJ was just waiting for me to get a brain freeze but i never did.

Sports season has started and Kenzie tried a slurpie of TJ's then we had to let her have her very own. We went with blue thinking that it would stain less, but we didnt have to worry about that, she hardly let any spill.

Friday, April 24, 2009

More Van WIndow

Finished product for now until i can get in to have it fixed.
I would say that no one got hurt in this but that would be wrong looks like our neighbor, Brody, must have cut his finger. makes me wonder why i told them to wear gloves while they were working on the window for me. i will say that TJ & Brody (he is 15 like TJ and lives next door) did the whole thing, they vacuumed it out, pulled the rest of the glass out and covered up the window. they were great about it since i was at a lacrosse game and a baseball practice.

Van Window

Can you believe what happened to me, i left work and got to my car, loaded Kenzie up in her carseat, which is far enough in front of this that she didnt get hurt, but who knows how many pieces are in her stroller as you can see in these pictures is right under the window. anyway after i got her in i closed the door and the window just shattered. you know i have been through many things in my life but this is something completely new to me, it was kind of weird.